• 12 John Road, Unit F Sutton MA 01590-2507

Pre-Owned Ras Folder


Brand: RAS
Model: 61.31
Year: 2000
Approx. Shipping Weight: 5,500 Lbs.
Approx. Shipping Dimensions: 175″ L x 64″ W x 56″ H

Product description


Working Width: 124″
Maximum Sheet Thickness: 16 Ga
Minimum Inner Bend Radius: 1.5 x Thickness
Minimum Flange Height Inside: 6 x Thickness
Maximum Upstroke: 4.72″
Maximum Flooding Beam Adjustment: .19″
Backgauge Depth: .31″-39.4″
Working Height: 33″
Downstroke Speed: 2.5″/ Second
Maximum Folding Beam Speed: 80 Degrees/ Second
Backgauge Speed (.31″ – 30.4″): 1.9 Seconds
Electrical: 220/3/60

Equipped With:

RAS CNC SYSTEM 5000 for Backgauge, Folding Beam, Upper Beam, and Virtual CNC Axis for the Folding Beam Adjustment, All Welded Steel Construction, 3-1/2″ Floppy Disc Drive, Foot Pedal