• 12 John Road, Unit F Sutton MA 01590-2507

RAMS-2014 Auxiliary Machine

The RAMS 2014 Auxiliary Machine is like no other machine available on the market today. Features a 5 HP motor 208-230V single phase. It was designed specifically for ease of use, flexibility and the convenience of the end user. Key features include: hinged table top and square drive shafts which allows easy access to change out a complete roll set in less than five minutes, quick change tooling which requires no keys or tools, and quick jam clearing. This machine can convert from a button lock to an Acme & Drive Cleat machine instantly. Please see slide show for more details.

Product description

Capacity ​
Approx. Speed
​Approx. Weight
20-28 Gauge Mild Steel
40 fpm
63″ Long x 26″ Wide x 34″ High
600 lbs.


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